appreciating the little things…

Human beings are so funny. I like to think of us as “chronically discontent.” If we have a stable and secure decent-paying job with good benefits, we are dissatisfied with the monotony of a 9-5 work day. If we are freelancers whose only obligation is to our own work schedule, we are tormented by the hustle it requires to be your own boss. If we have perfectly working arms and legs, we dread and put off exercising when there are those who wish they can move, jump, and run like us.

The human heart is wired to be negative. We are inclined to always be on the lookout for more, always hoping for a better, more perfect and ideal situation. But in looking for something better than where we are in now, we can miss the beauty of the small moments. It’s the little things that matter - a smile you exchange with a stranger, the warm hug you give your family, the laughter you share with your friends, the bright sun, the cool breeze, the blue sky, the soaring birds, the delicate flowers that sway in the wind, and that delicious smell of coffee in the morning,

Wanting more in itself is not bad, but wanting too much at the sake of taking your life for granted is. There are many things to be thankful for, whether or not we see it. While not all of us can afford certain luxuries, I believe merely living life is a luxury itself.

With love,
