Golden Hour


Friendship often makes for the warmest of loves.

Everyone has their own definition of love. Some define it as a passionate, all-consuming zeal for another person. But to me, the best kinds of love have a beautiful friendship at its core. In an era of instant gratification and too many options, a relationship built on laughter and genuinely enjoying each other’s company is underrated and refreshing.

These kinds of love are marked by a unique peace and joy. There is a stillness and quietness to them that feels warm, like the afternoon sunshine enveloping you with its pulsating rays. A love with friendship at its core is easy to be around. It draws others into its affections, eager and more than happy to extend its blessings onto the people around it.

Such a love is able to bring happiness and radiate positivity into the world. It may not result in any global changes, but it can make a difference one small life at a time.

It was a pleasure to shoot with Ezmie and Flav for their engagement session. Just like the sunshine, their love for each other naturally put the people around them at ease, and our cameras instinctively picked up on that confidence. I hope that they continue to grow in their connection with one another, and continue to spread that positivity to others.

With love,
