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Beyond Time


“Between the sand and the stardust.”

Humans were created to seek meaning and thrive in purpose. It is precisely why it is so difficult for us to work well if we don’t see the point of doing something. We look for meaning in many things: our careers, finances, and perhaps even in our relationships.

Perhaps the greatest impact that human beings are capable of having is on other people. The ways in which we can enrich the lives of our loved ones has great meaning to it. The time it takes to build and develop relationships may be long, but it is well worth it. Spending time loved ones helps them to feel more loved, and the way we love others can inspire others to be better as well.

The way we love our spouses and significant others may put us in the most powerful position to influence that person. With our words, we can edify, encourage, and exhort. With our conduct, we can be a shining example to the darkest of hearts.

What we do matters. And the life that we live matters. We need each other to live joyous and fulfilling lives and the relationships we build will last for a lifetime. When all is said and done, what will remain is the love that we have for one another.

With love,
